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Abby's Summer Foraging Ride

Abby’s Summer Foraging Ride

Date: Saturday, July 27th

Ride Summary: Our friend Abby will be leading up North to one of her favorite urban foraging locations! We’ll be on the lookout for blackberries, medicinal plants, and maybe even a swim spot.

Meet Up: Two Bikes, 1810 E. Main St., 9:00am

Wheels Down: 9:15am

Distance: 22.5 mi.

Elevation: 808 ft. (one big climb over Missionary Ridge!) 35.9 ft/mi.

Average Pace: 9-11 mph.

Link to Route: The Route!

Minimum Bike Requirements: Almost any good working bike. Please bring lights and locks.

Apparel: Bring something for potential swimming! A towel could be useful, and make sure to bring some sunscreen. Shoot, it’s hot out!

Special notes: This ride will be longer than our typical ride, so Mitchell will have to head out early to open the bike shop.

June 26

Chattanooga Pride Ride

July 27

The Happy Urbanist: Bike Bus Ride