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Jarrod's A.W.R. (After Work Ride)

Ride Summary: Have you ever wondered, “Where does Jarrod ride after work most days?” Well there’s only one way to find out! Tag along on Jarrod’s first “Two Bikes Community Ride June Take-Over” Ride!

Meet Up: Two Bikes, 1810 E. Main St., 6:00 PM

Wheels Down: 6:15PM

Distance: 18.2 mi.

Elevation: 1011 ft.

Average Pace: 10-12 mph.

Link to Route: Route here

Minimum Bike Requirements: You’ll need a gravel capable bike for this one!

Apparel: This ride will be very casual. Anything’ll work just fine.

Special notes:

May 25

Two Bikes / The Happy Urbanist Ride

June 18

Jarrod's Two Pizza Tuesday Ride!